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To the 10th Anniversary of the "Drills" in Ryazan. One Forgotten Fact

To the 10th Anniversary of the "Drills" in Ryazan. One Forgotten Fact
Dmitry Voobjevsky 27.09.2009

Already a lot were told in mass-media about those "drills" of FSB which took place some days after explosions of high-rise buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk, however I never read or heard about that essential fact which I wish to remind here. However, it, in my opinion, only supplements a large quantity of other direct and indirect proofs of preparation of the explosion of apartment house by the Russian "bodies" (this time 12-storeyed one, unlike 9-storeyed in Moscow and Volgodonsk) - aiming to rest responsibility for these explosions on "malicious Chechens" against whom those days the next war was about to begin, the war called to lift microscopic at that moment V.Putin's rating declared then by B.Eltsin "successor". (I'll notice in brackets that those explosions, apparently, had one more purpose - to tie up by bloody "mutual responsibility" yeltsin - "oligarchic" and putin - "chekist" imperious groupings.)   

So, in the evening on September, 22nd, 1999 there was some "operation" with displacement from white "lada" to a cellar of high-rise building on Novoselov Street of the city of Ryazan of some bags with the content similar to small vermicelli (according to inhabitants of that house) and professionally made and winded up detonator. Militia called by the tenants who noticed that "operation" evacuated all of them from the house and by means of armed with special equipment bomb technicians defined that the content of those bags exhaled cyclonite - one of the most powerful explosives.

It, as well as declarations of Putin, ministers - in - law and other Russian officials about successful prevention of monstrous act of terrorism during that days - since late evening on September, 22nd to approximately middle of the day on 24th (somewhere even later) - was rather widely shined in the Russian mass-media. But then passages of that very "lada" trying to leave Ryazan were detained (almost casually), they showed identity document of FSB and soon all that "operation" was officially declared to be not an attempt of act of terrorism but "FSB drills". Exhaling cyclonite content of those bags was declared usual sugar and was hastily taken away from Ryazan.

All this, of course, is well-known enough as well as that, for example, that soon after those "drills" conscript soldiers protecting a military warehouse near Ryazan having tried to satisfy hunger with the content of bags which were there with inscriptions "Sugar" found out that in those bags - alas, something absolutely inedible, not alike sugar even by sight ... (All these are known basically thanks to several publications in "New Newspaper" and several channel broadcasts of "NTV", soon actually dispersed by authority)

That little-known fact which I wish to add to all above-stated consists in the following: on September, 23rd, 1999 at 9.00 in the evening radio "Freedom" informed and then repeated it several times that in the afternoon on September, 22nd (i.e. some hours prior to those "drills") someone called to the Moscow militia and told that he by chance got info about preparation of explosion of the house in Ryazan by the Chechens. At that the number of the house was also named but it did not coincide with number of that 12-storey building, it was only slightly similar to it, coinciding only in one figure - to such an extend that it was possible to assume after supposed explosion of that house that a person who called simply casually mixed figures.

I heard that radio broadcast myself and I remember it very well. (By the way, "Freedom" keeps records of their airs.) In my opinion, it's abundantly clear who could be interested to begin spreading of "information" about participation in this Ryazan "operation" of Chechens in advance - some days before the beginning of the next land intrusion of armies to the Chechen Republic and at the very beginning of new Russian bombardments of its territory ...

It seems strange enough to me that this fact is not mentioned somehow in any mass-media. In my opinion, it in general, as they say, puts an end to the official version about "drills" in Ryazan, as, however, a number of other facts including aforementioned.

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