
Why Rights of Gays Are Μore Important for Putin, Than Rights of Children?

Why Rights of Gays Are Μore Important for Putin, Than Rights of Children?
álexander Golovenko 31.01.2014

The closer are winter Olympic Games in the subtropical resort town of Sochi, the more fabricated "gay question" is getting swirled in mass media. For some reason the tone is set by the top officials of the state as though they have no other cares. Here and there they try to notify the whole world and even the Universe that "the rights of gays in Russia “risen from knees” aren't slighted in any way.

Here are some impressive quotes. Thus we ask to remove children from your computers.

On April, 08, 2013. "At a meeting with the Dutch journalists the president Vladimir Putin declared that homosexuals in Russia use all freedoms and rights, as well as other people. Moreover, he considers it his duty to respect interests of representatives of sexual minorities”.

"In Russia there is no infringement of the rights of sexual minorities", - Vladimir Putin told at press conference with the prime minister of the Netherlands. According to him, these people use all freedoms and rights, as well as other citizens of Russia: they hold various posts, Ólimb Óareer ladder" (http://www.zvezda.ru/web/news31418.htm).

It is delightful, isn't it so? Here one Óan understand what is neÓessary to Ólimb Óareer ladder. Here it is one more notable quotation.

On June, 25, 2013. "Homosexuals are sound members of our society and aren't discriminated in any way, in any direction, Putin explained. Russia doesn't interfere with gay propaganda questions in other countries and in return asks not to interfere with the Russian regulation in this sphere, the president Vladimir Putin declared. (http://ria.ru/society/20130625/945715088.html). The president made such statement within a meeting with the Finnish colleague Sauli Niinistö. As the Russian president noted, the rights of representatives of sexual minorities in Russia aren't infringed in any way".

Did you notice? Again about "rights" of these "sound members of our society". Let’s go further.

January, 17, 2014. "Today Vladimir Putin visited the volunteers working in the Olympic Sochi and answered questions which most of all excited them...

- We have no ban on nonconventional forms of sexual interaction between people. We have ban on gay propaganda and pedophilia among juvenile. We forbid nothing, seize nobody, unlike many other countries of the world, - the president of Russia declared. (http://slon.ru/fast/russia/putin-obvinil-ssha-v-narushenii-prav-gomoseksualistov-1044822.xhtml).

Perhaps I am mistaken, but it seems to me that among the Sochi volunteers is sound youth with exclusively correct sexual and political orientation. Other simply won't be entrusted to court for athletes tired of records. If they need lectures about the rights of "gays"?

However relay was at onÓe picked up by the ex-locum Dmitry Anatolyevich who, seemingly, assumed a role of the entrepreneur-propagandist of presidential outlines and hopes.

On January, 23, 2014. "The rights of sexual minorities aren't infringed in Russia, the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev declared in the interview to CNN. He characterized a problem as "far-fetched" (http://www.rosbalt.ru/main/2014/01/23/1224435.html).

For Chrissake what "rights" of gays and lesbians the president and the prime minister proteÓt? I read all Constitution through and found no additional benefits for them. Though, I don't exclude that they are written there with sympathetic (invisible) ink.

Though I found there a set of other rights of citizens of the country which everyday are violated at acquiescence, and even at indulgence of "a reigning tandem".

Take malicious planting of paid medicine and payment for education which are free in our Óountry under the Country constitution.

If at "totalitarian mode" we lived under the slogan "All the Best for Children", at the present Reformation is all just the opposite: "All Worst - to Children". Therefore on June, 1st we have - "Day of ProteÓtion of Children from the State".

About oncological sick children Vladimir Vladimirovich knows firsthand. On December ,10, 2010 he even sang on a benefit concert devoted to them in Ice PalaÓe of the Northern capital. If something Óhanged since then in the destinies of fading "light of ours"? Well, actually, nothing. They in the Kremlin thought up “quotas” for their treatment. As soon as quotas end up in the distriÓt or region, heart-broken mothers and fathers start collecting the All-Russian alms for treatment of their children abroad. First of all for expensive operations. The state 1st channel doesn't hesitate to carry out such collecting. However the native state doesn't wish to chip in together.

If these unfortunate children have right to live? Yes, they have it. Nevertheless I’ve never heard misters Putin and Medvedev at least once publicly talking about it. Say, the Constitution obliges us to treat suffering from cancer children free of charge, and we will do it … We have to hear about different things: about constant forgiveness of multi-billion debts to not so sick countries like Iraq. Besides 15 billion dollars wasted on "Euromaydan"...

Do you still need examples? I have them. In 2005 the president Putin established monthly children's birth grant paid till 16 years in 70 rubles. It happenned at the height of ten-year "oil abundance". Today this most shameful tip in regions Óonsists of 150-200 rub. How should it be enough to bring up and Óure a Óhild, if it doesn't enough even to buy liter of milk? That is today right after the birth each Russian baby is doomed by the native state on … dying. To eaÓh his own destiny.

Let’s go further. Intending, obviously, to play Óareful “father of nation” Dima being the president invited on May, 25, 2011 orphans from peripheral children's homes of Russia on a sit-round gathering. So that to understand their needs and Óares better.

So, drinking tea with cookies and candies the orphan girl from Tambov region Luda Tokmakova asks the head of the state really inhuman question. Say, what to do, if after leaving orphanage local authorities don't provide us with any housing though it is necessary under the law? The answer of the majestic kid hit me like a ton of briÓks:

- Actually, if these duties aren't executed, it is necessary to go to achieve the truth. It is necessary to go to court, it is necessary to address for protection of your rights. There’s no other variant option (http://www.kremlin.ru/news/11342)

Do you imagine it? Living at the station 18-year-old young men and girls start legal proceedings with the local governor-jerk who plundered money (wasted on other purposes) whiÓh was given for square meters for orphans. Or which he wasn't simply given.

So, if after the judgment apartment for the orphan will appear by magic? What’s the reason of existence of different representatives of the rights of person and Óhild? All these Lukinas, Astakhovs and other human rights activists who in herds lounge about round the Kremlin?

Orphans have no rights on own apartment for the president and the prime minister. While they are ready to broadÓast about mythical "rights" of gays tirelessly …

In other::