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The State Sold Itself Services Amounting to 80 Billion at Air Show MAX-2013

The State Sold Itself Services Amounting to 80 Billion at Air Show MAX-2013

Three-year contract for service of the aircraft equipment signed between the Ministry of Defence and JSC United Aircraft Building Company is estimated in more than 80 billion rubles, is said in press release of the department of corporate communications of UABC. The Ministry of Defence and UABC signed three-year contract for service of the aircraft equipment within the International Air Show MAX-2013 in presence of the prime minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

It seems that management of the aircraft consider us full, complete fools!

If the Ministry of Defence could sign the contract for service of aircraft equipment produced by us with someone else? Perhaps with "Boeing"? Why is it necessary to sign this contract in general, moreover to do it within air show, if service of the equipment put in armies is self-evident condition which is a part of standard sale contract? It should be annually confirmed in appropriate section of the defensive budget. It should be done routinely, as aircraft equipment can’t stay without servicing.

What is it - the contract signed at the air show? Say, African kinglet comes to some Le Bourget, looked as some miraculous equipment flies, gets from his bag gold ducats and buys it, not paying attention that at take-off a plane appears already in the territory of other state. It doesn't matter.

What new could our military men headed by field marshal Shoygu see at MAX-2013 in planes which are in operation for many years? May be only there they learned that the plane demands servicing? Then they untied a bag with ducats... By the way, where does the Ministry of Defence get free 80 billion, if they haven’t been planned in the budget for these purposes at the end of last year? So, eyewashing.

Such things happen when there are no contracts in general. It’s simply necessary to show something. Here you are - they "show".

What, actually, could be bought at this MAX? Unless something new was exposed for sale? No, it seems all known goods, I would say, stale goods... Or someone expected that there will be a queue to buy "Superjet”, foreign air carriers will stay there from 6 in the morning? "Not to give more than two per customer!"

Or may be we can sell MiG-29К to Hindus for the fourth time? No one else would buy it, there are no aircraft carriers built for them.

It’s possible to offer Su-27 with all line of modifications and modernizations. Even MiG-21 in the variant “Spear”. If desired it is possible to upgrade U-2 to the level of generation 1 +++++...

Exhibition model of the rocket Proton Very should cause great interest for commercial utilization of idle space objects.

Well, I understand why Putin didn't go to the air show this year. While I am interested why the show wasn’t attented by the general prosecutor.

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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