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Khatyn Revelation Which We Preferred Not to Notice…

Khatyn Revelation Which We Preferred Not to Notice…
Andrey Mikhaylov 31.01.2013

Khatyn – is symbolic concept. Especially for a new wave of "de-stalinizators" who like saying that "All Russia – one big Khatyn". It sounds large-scale, promising. Though – one problem here – the farther, the more symbolical character of Khatyn becomes symbolical. It is possible even to say – more indecently. The last signs of symbolical character came from such places and such sources which are very difficult to be suspected of sympathies for Russia …

However – let’s talk about everything one after another. As we know, "mass executions of political prisoners" in prisons in the territory of the Western Ukraine are one of the favourite subjects of Russophobes - "gropers after truth". Representatives of the liberal public like to argue on this subject but … they constantly have problems with the name of concrete burials – consequences of crimes of bloody KGB.

What a joy – in 2011 diggings of a burial of the beginning of the 40s will start near Vladimir-Volynsk in the ancient settlement territory "Valy". At that it will be carried out by Polish archeologists by request of the Polish Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites.

Public of Galich is in anticipation – we will learn the truth at last! However – alas and ah! – when the report on the diggings of 2011-2012 was published, citizens of Ivano-Frankovsk region were surprised.

Results of the Polish diggings appeared for conscious and domestic democrats a cold shower: it appeared that mass burials in Vladimir-Volynsk appeared as a result of activity of Nazis. The Polish researchers established it for hundred percent – judging from finding in excavations.

The matter is that cartridges found in the graves have very specific marking, saying that they were made in the Polish city of Skarzysko-Kamienna which in 1939 appeared in the German part of Poland – "general governorship". Well, there’s also certain production time on these Polish-German cartridges – 1941 …

It means that bloody KB couldn’t use such cartridges. If the question is closed?

No - it isn't closed.

Polish archeologists decided not to talk a lot about their most interesting finding – and it is clear why. They found no more, not less than two Polish numbered police badges. The finding itself is not very interesting, if not for the numbers of these badges. According to the data of the Polish archives one of them (No. 1441) belonged to Jozef Kuligowski and the other (No. 1099) - to Ludwik Malowiejski.

The matter is that both these sirs in 1939 were taken prisoner to Red Army and in winter of 1939-1940 were in Ostashkovsky camp for the Polish prisoners of war in today’s Tver region.

Then (if to trust the version of “Katyn Case” accepted since Gorbachev) from that camp they were sent to “the command of management of NKVD of Kalinin region” according to "the decision of Politburo of March, 5, 1940. Documents on their transportation from Ostashkov to Kalinin, by the way, are available.

Besides, according to the official version, everything was simple: all without an exception "ostashkovsky" Poles were shot in the building of Kalinin NKVD and corpses were brought to the village Mednoe in which vicinities they were dug. Now there’s a memorial to victims of "Stalin crime" – corresponding symbolical gravestones are also there. Very good …

So now all this harmonous Goebbels-szlachta-Gorbachev version goes all to pieces: as if "shot" in spring of 1940 by the staff of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs Polish police officers suddenly were found in the mass burial of the summer, 1941 which appeared as a result of "work" of Nazi Sonderkommando.

Well, whose victims Mr. Kuligowski and Mr. Malowiejski appear? It is a rhetorical question – therefore the Poles decided not to dwell on the question.

But that – the Poles.

While the Russian historians-nonconformists got one more catch, having pulled which it’s possible to restore historical truth in the course of time – plain truth, not "symbolical". Including the reason why and how pans appeared again in the Western Ukraine …. In any case – they didn’t come there on foot.

In any case, now we already definitely can say that the phrase "to send to the command of Kalinin NKVD" doesn’t mean the order "to shoot". Security officers could order to send some to the camp and some – to places of former activity for investigation of its results. Generally, "symbolic" of Khatyn doesn’t match facts – more and more such facts appear…

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