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"Innocence of Muslims" Became Guilt of the Russians

"Innocence of Muslims" Became Guilt of the Russians


The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation included movie "Innocence of Muslims" into the Russian register of extremist materials. Now in Russia, as well as in other free civilized countries - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Libya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sudan – it’s impossible to watch and show this movie. Now they not demand money for watching, but also real prison term.

- The psychology and linguistic research of the record of the movie carried out at the request of prosecutor's office confirmed that its content is directed on excitement of religious hatred and hostility as well as on humiliation of a person on the basis of nationality and relation to religion, - General Prosecutor Office reported earlier to ITAR-TASS.

Just for a quarter of century Russia from aspiration to publicity and freedom passed way to police state where censorship is entered not even by the state, but by religious communities - the state plays only the role of the executioner as 2 thousand years ago the Roman procurator carried out sentence of the Council which quite fits the standard of the modern Russian law "about kindling".

It would seem that according to the Constitution which looks today some alien impregnation into medieval fabric of the Russian legislation the Russian Federation is still secular state and church is separated from it. Then why "religious discord" does appear in the secular law? Without speaking of that religious discord is put in the heart of every religion as such:

I don't speak already about scandalous attempt of a number of deputies of the State Duma to forbid the Judaic book "Shulkhan Arukh" few years ago – attempt, I should say, absolutely logical from the point of view of medieval modern Russian legislation.

If at the end of XX century the citizen of the USSR spoke: "Who can decide for me in the twentieth century what to look or read?", today it looks already frank sedition, almost jurisdictional act - twenty first century came... It will be decided by the Federal Communications Control Service. Terrible KGB didn't pursue "for reading" never - even in the most gloomy times only distribution was punished. Today for the mew fact of, say, entrance on "forbidden" site you can appear under criminal prosecution. “Thoughtcrime" seeming grotesque and slander on existing system only half century ago is entered in fact.

Whether it was worth destroying the USSR that to appear in one row with Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Sudan in the twenty first century? Not on material development, but namely in humanitarian sphere? To impose ban on "undesirable" information, in fact - on seditious knowledge?

It’s necessary to note that theories of Copernicus and Darwin evidently contradict a number of religious doctrines. Kindle?

Anatoly Baranov, heretic editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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