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Result of the Olympics Is a Sentence for a Mode

Result of the Olympics Is a Sentence for a Mode

The national team of Russia for the first time for the history USSR-Russian Federation got the fourth place at the Olympic Games. At that semi-official organ shamelessly calls it "success" as the quantity of medals won is more than the one won in Beijing four years ago...

Actually the USSR participated in the Olympic Games since 1952 and did it permanently successful. It occupied the second place only in 1952, 1964 and 1968 (it didn’t participate at all in 1984). All other Olympic Games were invariable triumph of the Soviet team of Olympians. The first place was also occupied by "united team" in 1992 after formal disintegration of the USSR. Further participation of the Russian Federation in the Olympic movement is invariably descending movement. In 1996 and 2000 Russia already firmly the second and in 2004 and 2008 – the same way firmly the third.

Here you are – last “triumph" - the fourth place. The Russian Empire had such result at the Olympic Games in 1912 year, but then it was really an achievement. It seems that now we returned to the results of the empire of the times of its last breath. If it’s natural?

By the way, during the Olympic Games in Beijing I already predicted gradual decrease in the results of the Russian Federation owing to objective reasons - successes in sports as a rule reflect general "drive" of the country, state and society. China is obviously on the rise - and we see its impressing successes in everything including sports. Starting from 1992 the country has been constantly improving its Olympic result. The USA - obvious world leader and we see that this country for all XX century since 1896 was only twice on the 3rd place in the Olympic medal record! All other Olympic Games the USA was either the first, or the second.

Actually Great Britain is also gaining better and better results since the Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000, here you are – they are already the third in London, before the end of the games. While two great Olympic powers - Germany and Japan – have been lowering their results since the beginning of the 21st century.

This is hardly casual coincidence – the Olympic Games give very numerous fact retrieval which is already possible to subject to quite scientific analysis. Let's say to recollect that the number of young people in the Russian Federation is 2 times less, than in RSFSR. Or that for the first time for last century average height of 20-years old recruits in the country decreased by 2 centimeters, that average weight also decreased. For 20 years the country has been underfeeding its kids and now wants them to achieve Olympic records? I don’t talk about birth rate which is more similar to genocide.

Though let’s stop – if it wasn’t D.A.Medvedev, by the time training to become the president in the post of the first Deputy Prime Minister, who started the national project on birth rate increase - he brilliantly ruined it already being the head of state?! Here you are direct link between the state and sports results - those medals which we didn’t get should have been obtained by those champions who simply weren’t born!

We still should note triumph of the non-Russian athletes, mainly Caucasians. It would seem there are 6.5 million inhabitants of the North Caucasus against 140 million all in all across the Russian Federation. Why is the share of physically strong and goal-oriented young people among this part of the Russian society higher? The answer is also simple – there’s no depopulation going on among the Caucasian people, on the contrary, its population grows. It is the first reason. There is no degeneration - anthropometrical indicators don't decrease. Why? Certainly, it is possible to talk a lot of pseudo-scientific nonsense about passionarity, but there is a thing lying on a surface - influence of the state on life of people is the least in the Caucasus owing to specifics of the region. When the state is reasonable and humane it is minus. While the state is as it’s now in the Russian Federation it’s obvious plus, at that it’s statistically authentic.

By the way, it is very curious that in the Soviet period results of the Winter Olympic Games were the same way triumphal for the USSR as the summer ones. While the Winter Olympic Games for the Russian Federation are simply catastrophe: 1994 - traditional 1st place, 1998 – Russia was already on the 3rd place, 2002 – on the fifth, 2006 – on the fourth and in 2010 – it’s already on the 11th! Probably, there are few Caucasians among winter Olympians…

Thus, if to think it over better, the Olympic Games are sentence to a mode.

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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