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How Putin Could Cave in – Correctly and in Time

How Putin Could Cave in – Correctly and in Time
Delyagin Michael 04.05.2012

The main task of life of the official — satisfaction of higher administration.

The world is imperfect and unfair: we would like it to be different, but as unknown to “Fursenko’s kids” Nobel winner Ivan Bunin noted long before Chernomyrdin “as it usually is”.

The rank of the official doesn't play any role here.

Mental outlook – that is the main thing.

If a person considers himself responsible for the country, history, people; if he works for generations – these or that — if he is responsible for anything? He is not official then.

While our management - just officials.

They have a need to satisfy the owner.

For someone it is the commercial director of a shop, for someone — the minister, but for understanding of our destiny it’s vital to find “the owner of owners”: the one who is perceived as that by the present high-ranking official of RF Putin.

We don't know his personal emotions and thoughts, but whether we need them, if the main thing is known: Putin — the leader personifying a class of “effective managers” owning Russia, it’s class of today’s ruling party, on precise self-determination, class of “offshore aristocracy” telling us about “souvenir democracy” with aspiration.

To define its chief is enough to look where it hides its shrines.

There is no uncertainty with the answer at such approach — there’s actually no question: the sun rises in the West for the ruling party, in the luxurious countries. No matter how its representatives hate each other, no matter how they crunch each other, their deposits are in the same international banks, their children study at the same prestigious western universities and documents on real estate in the same sweetest regions of the world warm their hearts exhausted with inadequate corruption.

So, the owner of the ruling and the owning Russia party — the West.

Just as this party is personified by Putin, the West (despite all its many-sided nature and diversity) is personified by the president of the USA.

His personality, position and moods influence condition of the Russian ruling clique not less, than Putin’s position and mood. The same way the khan of the Golden Horde was not less important for Russia, than representing his interests and carrying out his will commissioned native.

Obama proved to be “the president of war”, but the most probable for today winner of November elections in the USA — Mormon Romney (at first Mormon and only then the republican) — is much less attractive. At least because he still sincerely considers Russia the enemy of the USA and it’s possible to see how the Americans behave in relation to their vassals, for some reason transferred to the category of enemies on the example of destinies of Yugoslavia of Milosevic, Iraq of Hussein, Egypt of Mubarak and Libya of Gaddafi.

“The president of war” Obama obviously won't bomb Russia during the second term. It’s quite disputable to assert the same with absolute confidence in relation to the senator Romney: religious fanatics are predictable, but only within own, inaccessible to ordinary people logic.

Thus, Obama is necessary to the Russian ruling clique and it will knuckle under him.

The concrete form of caving in is clear: the highest official service which the president of Russia can render to the owner of his class (not to tell clan) is help in elections. Granting beautiful possibility to improve image in the crucial moment on the eve of voting brightly and without serious consequences.

Putin has already rendered a number of similar services — from base of NATO in Ulyanovsk to joining the WTO by Russia. However “rendered service already costs nothing” and, what’s the most important, these services have been rendered too early. “A spoon is dear when lunch time is near”: caving in is counted at least for short time, if it occurs at the crucial moment — on the eve of elections.

As respectable citizen of the Russian Federation I can bring the modest contribution into the solution of problems of the former and future head of the state.

Imagine wonderful telepicture: Obama who has hastily arrived to Moscow with official visit together with his friend president Putin takes by hands emaciated Khodorkovsky, Lebedev or, perhaps, even several more people away from the prison. They lead them to freedom on the very eyes of warped muzzles of drunken employees of KGB staying with their "Kalashnikov" on iced streets of the blizzed Moscow embracing polar bears.

Certainly, it should be shown on NBC and CNN, the central channels of the Russian television can live without it: let the viewer of the domestic assembly believes that Khodorkovsky is still in prison, just as the author of “Solovyev’s Bible” believes that his friend, the governor Misharin is in grave.

Certainly, all released will in advance sign complete refusal of any claims to the Russian Federation and personally to Putin in a form confirmed by completely independent western Themis.

Certainly, each step of this procession will be coordinated four times with the American side and marked by chalk on asphalt.

But what effect! Trustful America will see its president the liberator of innocent, the guarantor of triumph of legitimacy, justice and democracy. It’s especially important in conditions of global economic crisis, without expenses on "clever" bombs and aircraft carriers inseparably linked with providing similar celebration using usual American methods.

Obama's chances to gain victory will sharply increase and Putin will get rid of Khodorkovsky who can easily become either his personal “Gongadze’s head”, or the Russian Nelson Mandela.

But the main thing — service rendered in time to the chief.

Who knows, maybe, when Navalny will grow up at last, he will be allowed to live quietly in his summer house under Monte-Carlo …

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