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WTO: Logic of the Liberal Cretinism

WTO: Logic of the Liberal Cretinism
Кalashnikov Maxim 13.03.2012

The most interesting thing: nobody paid to the authorities for it. It’s – voluntary murder. The more actual forthcoming struggle against leaving of the WTO by Russia becomes.
Let’s continue talking about recent session of the club “ROI” in the Chamber of Commerce. Complete cretinism of ostensibly sovereign authorities of the Russian Federation becomes more and more evident.
Both common sense and historical experience proves: everyone who builds industry should at first protect it using protectionist barriers from strong foreign competitors, removing this protection only when:
- industry has got developed and stronger enough;
- it started to deliver products to the world market showing its competitiveness.
But the period of protectionism is inevitable. None country of the world could get industrialized successfully having opened its market wide from the beginning. It happened so with England, South Korea, China, the United States. Civil war of 1861-1865 in America happened not because of negroes. Simply southerners-planters wanted to deliver clap at the world prices to Britain, not to the native American North – at low internal prices. The fact that protectionism and reasonable industrial policy should come first and only then – openness - is immutable law. No “post-industrialisms” – “liberalisms” can’t cancel it. For to open at first is the same as throw out weak and ill on squared ring with dreadnought.
What was the beginning of England? Interdiction for export of raw material – raw wool. What should we take to begin with? Interdiction for export of raw materials!
But the power mad with neoliberal idiocy acts accurately on the contrary!

The head of “The Russian Agro Industrial Trust” Vadim Varshavsky – also ardent opponent of membership of the Russian Federation in the WTO. Varshavsky - the landowner from among mobilized in agriculture on “Putin’s call-in” of 2005. Well, it refers to the time when notorious national projects were proclaimed, among which – agriculture (Non Commercial Partnership "Agrarian and Industrial Complex").
At the session of "ROI" Vadim Sergeevich was perplexed: who will get profit from joining the WTO? He told about his meetings and negotiations. It seems that coal industry and nonferrous metallurgy will get nothing from it. Producers of special steel and alloys will get something in ferrous metallurgy: for their market in the Russian Federation got narrow since 1991 because of barbarous defeat of the difficult industry. Only Lisin’s NLMK and "Mechel" will win from it.
But – I thought – whether new industrialization will not be more useful for the nation, domestic market of special steels and alloys will be restored during and after it?
V.Varshavsky told what dirty tricks the government played with his company. His company is pig-breeding one. In 2005 Varshavsky trusted Putin and started investments of means and efforts in modern pig-breeding complexes. It appears, for last 6 years pork manufacture in the Russian Federation have hardly reached the Soviet indicators. Today the deal is that: 43% of pork is produced in completely new complexes, 41% - in modernized Soviet, 16% - in old Soviet, now completely noncompetitive. Thus the domestic Russian market is supplied with own pork only by 70%. It’s already success – for domestic breeders are compelled to take "preferential" credits in banks of the Russian Federation under 14,5% annual whereas foreign competitors take loans under 4-5%.
Joining the WTO will kill pig-breeding (and, by the way, beef manufacture). Old Soviet pig-breeding farms and personal part-time farms will die first. Calculation is that: without the WTO in 10 years our breeders would increase manufacture by 4 million tons a year and would provide the needs of the country by 95%. After joining the WTO we should wait for falling of our “pig-producing” by 2 million tons a year. Thus one workplace in pig-breeding creates as a result 10 workplaces in economy.
But the biggest muck - in 2005 power promised the breeders non-worsening of conditions for their business. While now it barbarously breaks everything with its joining the WTO. According to V.Varshavsky, the State Banks of the Russian Federation no longer give credits to the breeders. Say, what for? After all you will all the same become bankrupt after joining the WTO.
Yes, the price for pork because of import stream will fall by 10%, the businessman says – but whether it will have consumers if new army of unemployed is being formed in the country?
As Michael Delyagin told precisely, once our liberal reformers took care of consumers – in 1992. Since then 13 million inhabitants of the Russian Federation died. Probably, we should wait for the attack of new “care of consumers”. With new victims. With closing of not simply separate factories, but whole industrial cities. It’s high time to name our "reformers" using their true name – liberal murderers.

Why is it being done? Already for full colonization of the Russian Federation.
Simple example. In 2001 cars for the cost of 1,5 billion dollars were imported to the Russian Federation. In 2011 – already for 60 billion dollars. It’s forty times more. That is the Russian Federation gives other's economy only at the expense of purchases of cars equivalent of the fifth part of the federal budget.
It will become even worse. The market of trucks which is now provided by our car industry by 65-70% after joining the WTO by the Russian Federation will be provided already only by 43%. Manufacture of buses in the Russian Federation will fall from 45 thousand a year to 9-10 thousand.
Thus only 30% of localization (use of parts of our manufacture) is needed for assembling works of the Russian Federation. Whereas in China obligatory localization – 96% (they increased it from forty percent and allowed to have only joint ventures in this sphere). Indians increased requirements to localization to 70%. Brazil – lifted this lath from 30% to 80%. China invested 200 billion dollars into the car industry. Investments into the car industry of the Russian Federation – pitiful 5 billion dollars.
Stop talking about consumers! Consumer is a stupid animal. He doesn’t see further than his nose. Sometimes it’s necessary to be citizen. To think about the nation as a whole. What’s the good of cheap import (pleasure for the consumer), if everybody will buy everything of foreign origin and millions Russians will stay without work? The consumer in his desire to buy cheap foreign goods kills himself. Pure sample of the consumer: worm-eater. They are even happy when someone becomes corpse. They eat the corpse, but further they can stay without meal. Consumer who is mad only with consuming – sub-man. It’s dangerous to appease him.
To sacrifice the country to the “worm-eater” – to the officials producing nothing, to the Moscow “creative class” and those who live thanks for raw materials? Thanks, we’d rather not!

I don’t think that our ruling liberals get instructions about necessity of such actions in Washington. I am sure – Washington doesn’t send them such instructions. They do it because they sincerely believe in that neo-liberal delirium which has been fed to them. Everything’s simple: for such creatures everything that proceeds from the West – sacred and indisputable. The West can’t be wrong. If it says that it’s necessary to be in the WTO – means it’s really necessary. If the facts contradicts with this dogma, so much the worse for the facts.
Logic of the liberals (special species of homo sapience) is barbaric. Well, it’s necessary to widen the market for distribution of chemistry and metallurgy? Let’s join the WTO. Let them sell more to Europe, the USA, Asia and China. Therefore domestic market of RF is too small and narrow. It doesn’t come to them that it’s possible to widen this market started grand construction of new industrialization in the own country. To be more correct – it’s forbidden thought, delirium from the point of view of “liberal faith”. No, let’s open economy for the sake of prosperity of the few, let’s buy the inhabitants for inflow of cheap import, the destiny of all the rest is not important. Let that money which the government gives for increase of incomes of pensioners and workers of the budget sphere go to foreign economies (for payment of imported goods) – it’s not important. Let RF serve as “faggot” for support of the fire in the furnace of other economies which had time to develop – they don’t care. The main thing – observance of the Doctrine.
I will tell you once again: no one could interfere with it except us. Adventure with the WTO will become examination for aptitude of the Russians. Check if we haven’t turned into the herd of neo-barbarians – consumers not capable to see further than nose.
It’s necessary to start all-nation struggle for exit from the WTO. For it’s already late to interfere with its joining: the Duma of “United Russia” has obediently ratified agreement. Here you are – new field for application of forces of healthy, red, national opposition.
It’s even more important to do it as destruction of our future with the help of the WTO – part of wider plan. The plan of mopping up of the Russian Federation from excessive population. The plan of erasing of “excessive” cities and villages from a map.
Conclusive article will be about it…

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