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Michael Delyagin: «Prokhorov and Kudrin Will Personify Protest at the Next Meeting»

Michael Delyagin: «Prokhorov and Kudrin Will Personify Protest at the Next Meeting»

Source: “Novie Izvestia”

Next round of the World Economic Forum came to the end on Sunday in the Swiss Davos. Revelation of the Russian high-ranking officials and large businessmen who spared no pains to find epithets to describe lacks of political system of the country which, in their turn, negatively affect economic development of Russia became appreciable unexpectedness of prestigious meeting. So, the former Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin in Davos recognized that political system existing now became outdated, it’s the main economic challenge to the country and the first vice-premier Igor Shuvalov specified high degree of monopolization of the Russian economy, having characterized it as a result of the course chosen by authorities. Assistant to the president of the Russian Federation Arcady Dvorkovich complained on excessive pressure of the state upon economic life and on corruption which became the main brake of economic development. We asked known economist, the director of Institute of Problems of Globalization Michael Delyagin to comment on the results of Davos-2012 and reasons of unexpected insight of the Russian vip-officials. His point of view, however, seemed to be disputable. Therefore the given publication can be regarded as appeal to further discussion on the problems mentioned in the interview.

– Michael Gennadevich, what are, in your opinion, the main results of the next annual World Economic forum in Davos?

– I will note at once: Davos doesn't make decisions which are important for all. The main results of Davos have dual nature. Firstly, the West has realized itself and shown to all definitively that there will no fast overcoming the crisis, that present crisis is serious and will last long time. Taking into account forecasting it’s for ever. The West practically recognized that there’s nothing to do about it. The West understood that faced global change of fundamental bases of economic universe. It’s impossible to change anything here. Secondly, that is also important, we saw unprecedented attack of a liberal clan on Putin.

– … it’s necessary to admit that it was unexpectedly enough.

-It’s legal indication (not less reliable, than Kudrin's presence at a meeting on Sakharov Avenue) that Putin is being “brought down” not by oppositionists, but by liberal clan as it is. Both oppositionists and liberals occupying posts in the state structures are two fists (right and left of the same liberal clan). These two fists, in their turn, are assault infantry of global business, global monopolies, that is it’s a part of the ruling class. Putin doesn't suit them for the same reason why Mubarak in Egypt didn't suit the USA (he stayed too long time on one place). It means that Putin got certain weight and now he supervises resources of his country. Yes, global monopolies negotiate with him, but he is junior partner in these negotiations because money of the Russian financial offshore aristocracy is in pockets of the western banks. Nevertheless Putin is the participant of these negotiations. And this circumstance became absolutely unacceptable for the ruling class. They want to return to the world of the 90s last century when there was external management, when they took everything they want practically free of charge. They – and it’s principal – don’t want to negotiate, they want to have.

- Let’s make it clear: “they” – it’s “global cabal”?

- It’s global ruling class. So, chaotization which is taking place in North Africa and Syria which has already touched Kosovo (there are conversations that the USA will sell military base of NATO in Kosovo to Turkey that will qualitatively strengthen the Muslim factor in Europe) can lead to chaotization in all Europe. We see, on the one hand, general will of the whole world except the USA to immerse into chaos. That money of the whole world was enclosed in the American securities. On the other hand, we see aversion of those people who are capable to carry out at least negotiations and who possess some resources. Therefore they don’t need Putins in Russia, they need in Russia heads of colonial administration. Not local comprador bourgeoisie, not local leaders, but simply colonial administration which is being brought up correspondingly and is global official. We already see it in Greece and Italy. I do not know, whether Putin understands that he is beaten by liberal clan, not by separate oppositionists. At first liberal clan tried to "knock" Putin down with the help of Medvedev, but Medvedev appeared inadequate tool. Now liberal clan tries to "knock" Putin down with the help of middle class protest.

– Who do you treat as liberal clan? I want to know their names.

– From those who are now in power and near to it - Igor Shuvalov, Vladislav Surkov, Anatoly Chubays, maybe, Alexander Voloshin, Sergey Ignatyev (as dependent person), Elvira Nabiullina, the rector of the Higher School of Economics Yaroslav Kuzminov, the rector of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service at the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Mau. These are Gaydar’s people. Certainly among opposition these are Ryzhkov, Navalny, Kasparov, Kasyanov plus public in the name of Parfyonov, Romanova, Akunin and others. These two groups are tightened by Prokhorov and Kudrin who can be in the first or the second of these groups. I think we will see that they are the main people at meetings. If now Ksyusha Sobchak personifies protests, Prokhorov and Kudrin would do it at the next meeting.

– As to last two persons, in your opinion, if this is their personal political insight or they have received indulgence from authorities on their activity? Say, you can make some liberal things, perhaps people will peck on you …

– I do not exclude such probability that Kudrin received sanction from Putin to go on meeting on Sakharov Avenue. All play several games at once. Kudrin could possibly say: “Mister Putin, now I head this protest and you will talk not to the unbridled leaders (Limonov, for example) and even not with Nemtsov, Navalny, Akunin. You will negotiate with me, your employee, personal friend. Simultaneously Kudrin as a part of liberal clan understands that if scales will have a swing to other party, he will smash Putin and will become Putin himself. Or, as a last resort, will push Prokhorov forward. I don't exclude that Putin gave his subordinates command to be tolerant. So, they followed his command.

– The same way vip-officials were tolerant a bit in Davos?

– Undoubtedly, there’s no collective insight of officials. These people understand perfectly well what and why they do these or that things.

– From the point of view of the economist who from five applicants for a post of the president of Russia would be most useful to the country in this quality?

– None of them.

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