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Protesting Kazakhstan Oil-Industry Workers Acted with Speech in the European Parliament. What Will Be Next?

Protesting Kazakhstan Oil-Industry Workers Acted with Speech in the European Parliament. What Will Be Next?

Source: Socialist Resistance of Kasakhstan


On October, 3rd Paul Murphy, the deputy of the European Parliament from the Socialist Party of Ireland organized in the European Parliament hearing on the questions of rights of workers and proceeding labor conflict of oil industry workers in the Western Kazakhstan. These hearings gave workers and active members possibility to be heard and to establish contacts for solidarity campaigns.


Hearings were opened by Paul Murphy who explained: Kazakhstan is potentially very rich country with enormous quantity of natural resources but the majority of the population knows only poverty and misery. All resources, all riches and all power are concentrated in hands of tiny elite which protects its exclusive position by means of all possible measures including application of force. That is why proceeding strike of oil industry workers in Mangistausky area has critical importance. Their determination transforms strike into the beacon of resistance to oppression and exploitation.


Muhtar Umbetov, the chairman of one of the working trade unions, told about the reason of the conflict. He explained that the conflict got the greatest value, first of all, as a turning point in the history from the moment of disintegration of the USSR and secondly, as example of trade-union solidarity. Strike began round the requirements related to salaries and working conditions. Administration refused to negotiate, instead it used against striking workers rigid reprisals, including interference of the authorities. 2500 workers are dismissed as a result of the strike. Only independent trade unions and the international support which integral element became Paul Murphy's arrival helped the workers. Now, when the strike has been lasting for already more than four months, the workers demand direct negotiations and reinstating of 2500 dismissed workers in a job.


Several active workers from Kazakhstan informed about cases of suppression and intimidation. Trade-union leaders are exposed to pressure. One of the trade-union active workers is killed and the daughter of the other more - is stolen and killed. Some independent mass-media - for example, Stan-TV - are closed. The lawyer of the independent trade union of oil industry workers is sentenced to six years of imprisonment. Appeal on his case was rejected.

Esenbek Ukteshbaev told about development of the independent trade unions and how official trade unions carry out role of the tool of the authorities. Strike of oil industry workers plays important role as it puts the question on independent trade unions on agenda. We need strong organizations of the working class against reprisals. Workers have resolute mood because they have no choice - it's a question of survival. The mode uses this conflict as a feeler. It's afraid of the potential which the movement possesses and prospects of spreading of organized resistance. Therefore now authorities meaningly attacked leaders of the independent trade unions and socialists. For example, they fabricated case against Esenbek Ukteshbaev and Ajnur Kurmanov, as a result of it the last can be imprisoned for at least two years.

Ajnur Kurmanov told that struggle of oil industry workers is something more, than struggle for salaries and working conditions. The struggle caused discussion about organization of public relations and how discontent can cause outbursts of indignation. Independent trade unions are the first step in unification of workers in struggle for the rights. Though we should go further and to put forward the slogan of nationalization of all key branches of industry, banks and enormous natural resources of the country under control of workers - so that these riches do good to workers and their families, that the workers could decide how to use these riches. Reprisals which are applied by the mode are directed on preservation of the existing order. More and more often the government resorts to violence and intimidation; position reminds of dictatorship of Pinochet in Chile. Struggle of oil industry workers more and more gets political coloring and shows strong necessity in unification of independent trade unions and political organization of workers.

Tanya Nimejer, the political adviser of Murphy Paul in the left fraction of the European Parliament and a member of the Left Socialist Party (PSL in Belgium) told also about political importance of the strike. Determination of workers is huge, despite reprisals. Workers receive messages with threats and some threats are carried out: houses are burned, active workers or members of their families are killed. So that the struggle continues, the international solidarity, nationalization and economy planning under working control is necessary. It is unique way to organize manufacture in interests of workers and to reach real democratic participation. Workers are no longer afraid of struggle against bosses and mode. Enough - means enough, return to what was before is already impossible.

Active member from Uzbekistan also acted it the hearing, he showed photo of usage of child labor in the cotton industry. The European authorities wink at it. Hearings allowed to make these shameful facts known.

The European establishments created by capitalist elite name themselves "international community". However they don't protect interests of one more "international community", namely the majority of the world population - workers and poor. Declarations on human rights remain within the precincts of parliaments. At the same time authorities of the European countries aspire to strengthen and stabilize commercial relations with other governments to get access to natural resources. In this race neither dictatorship, nor reprisals, nor child labor becomes obstacle.

We shouldn't allow to make fools of ourselves. We should establish own relations and international campaign. Hearings in the European Parliament became useful event for such purpose. Movement in Kazakhstan is important because of its potential and because dissatisfied are united in the independent trade union with broad support. When workers and poor men lose fear before protest, it can quickly lead to social explosions. It already happened so in the North Africa and in the Near East. Ruling gangs understand danger but can resort only to reprisals.

We should support oil industry workers of Kazakhstan and make so that everybody get to know about their struggle. Therefore presence at hearings of some Belgian trade-union active members from oil branch was very useful. They learned about the developed position directly from the Kazakhstan colleagues and comrades - therefore they can bring up this question in Belgium. This week the Belgian section PSL plans to carry out solidarity action before football match among women of Belgium and Kazakhstan.


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