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The USA Rejected Putin’s Proposal According the Use of Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment and Are Still Going to Play out Antimissile Defense System in Czechia and Poland

The USA Rejected Putin’s Proposal According the Use of Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment and Are Still Going to Play out Antimissile Defense System in Czechia and Poland

As mass-media informed, the USA officially rejected Vladimir Putin's proposal which was been put forward at summit G8 in Heiligendamm on June, 7th to refuse placing of elements of antimissile defense system in the East Europe and to start using together with Russia Gabalinskaya Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment in Azerbaijan. These American plans were unanimously supported by their European partners on NATO.

Thus, "Commersant" writes, Moscow expectations to attract the Europe on its side in dispute with the USA on the matter of defense system was not justified. Even forthcoming meeting of Putin and Bush on the 1st-2nd of July in Kennebankport will not change situation.

"The USA realize the plans on placing of antimissile system in the East Europe regardless the fact whether the consent under the alternative offer of Russia will be reached. We consider an opportunity of sharing of Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment in Azerbaijan exclusively as addition to our plans in Czechia and Poland. And we will construct an antimissile board in the Europe even despite of resistance from the Russian side", - the chapter of the Pentagon Robert Gates declared, acting in Bruxelles on closing of two-day meeting of ministers of defense of the countries of NATO.

At the same time director of Agency on Antimissile Defense System, general-lieutenant Henry Obering acted with similar application: "Azerbaijan Radio Detection and Ranging Equipment is not sufficient protection against Iran that is why we shall not quit our plans in the East Europe". Addressing to journalists in Bruxelles, Robert Gates emphasized transatlantic unity in a question of expansion of antimissile defense in Czechia and Poland. He said: "We discussed our plans on the system and no one from our allies start criticizing them. I can say even more - they backed them up".

Secretary General of NATO Jaap de Hoop Sheffer added to it that NATO will create special commission to study the way to finish the American system for protection of all the Europe - objects in Czechia and Poland cannot protect territory of four members of NATO: Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. In Bruxelles these countries demanded that the American antimissile board should also cover them.

The report of the commission will be ready to February, 2008 and there will be the summit of NATO in April in Bucharest which will finally approve configuration of the all-European antimissile board. As the European experts who were present on a private meeting of NATO explain, the commission would prosecute only one subject: what to add the American System to protect the Europe and the USA from rocket impacts in all possible directions.

They believe in Bruxelles that all the subsequent objects which will be created by the end of 2010, will be incorporated around the American objects in Czechia and Poland. "Now the policy of NATO concerning antimissile defense is clear to us. It is very reasonable and already approved by everybody", - Jaap de Hoop Sheffer summed up the discussion. However, so that not to upset Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Anatoly Serdjukov who arrived to the capital of Belgium, Robert Gates said that "the USA appreciate efforts of Russia for resolution of the conflicts and are going to continue the dialogue".

But right after it the chapter of the Pentagon declared: "I strongly doubt that our experts will have time to consider completely Vladimir Putin's offers by July, 1st, before the beginning of his negotiations with the president Bush".

It means, "Commersant" considers, that Putin and Bush's meeting in Kennebankport to which they put hopes on in the Kremlin will hardly change anything. That is, fast appearance of the objects of the American System close to the Russian borders is inevitable.

Making comments on it, political scientist, Ruslan Saidov said:

"We on FORUM.msk declared at once that the scheme offered by Vladimir Putin with Gabala is not serious and is even absurd from the technical point of view. It will be therefore inevitably rejected, as it happened in Bruxelles.

What is the result of the initiative? On the one hand, the Kremlin started PR action which lived exactly a week. On the other hand, Putin clearly showed Iran and all other countries of the third world - to China, Syria, Venezuela, etc. that Russia is ready to betray them even for the sake of one illusion of normalization of relations with the USA. This signal is clear to everybody.  

And the last. The Kremlin would like very much to hand over to the Americans something else for the sake of external calmness during the settlement of notorious "problem-2008". But it has nothing to hand over but for Transdniestria and South Ossetia. Probably, it will happen with them in autumn.

For now the Americans are busy with practical preparation for expansion of the military infrastructure in the countries of the East Europe - in Czechia, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. On turn are - Baltic, the Ukraine and Georgia. And nobody in Moscow is capable to prevent it".

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