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Remake of the Year 1956 Is Being Organized in Hungary

Remake of the Year 1956 Is Being Organized in Hungary
Alexander Magidovich 24.10.2006

About 150 policemen participate in suppression of antigovernmental speeches which take place right now in the center of the Hungarian capital. As agency Associated Press transfers, the police applies rubber bullets, water guns and tear gas. Protesters grasped tank T-34 of times of the World War II. It was put in city centre in honour of the 50 anniversary of events of 1956, today it was directed aside police ranks. As a result of collisions some people received wounds, four policemen among them.

The fact that events of 1956 are celebrated in Hungary as significant date in the history of "national-liberation movement" is deeply offensive for the memory of fallen in the Great Patriotic War. Hungary was an ally of Hitler and the country-aggressor. The fact that this country appeared to be released from fascism by the Soviet army and entered into socialist camp relieved Hungarians from the destiny which overtook other countries that blurred themselves by the union with nazis.

Fascist mutiny in 1956 year was direct consequence of Stalin’s humanism that relieved Hungarians from full forfeit for those crimes which 18 Hungarian divisions committed on East front. Alive Nazis 11 years after the victory arranged bloody putsch in Hungary which was suppressed by the Soviet armies and within 40 years after that nobody was bold enough to say that it was unfairly or incorrectly.

But now the history is reconsidered – reconsidered in connection with the Soviet period. But it inevitably entails also reassessment of the attitude to the immemorial enemy of communism - to national-socialism. If the Soviet soldiers were wrong – then it is necessary to rehabilitate Hitler.

Actually, Nuremberg analysis with all the might is carried out in the East Europe (the Western Europe including Germany for some reason refrains from throwing up hands in a nazi greeting). Nazi rebellion is openly celebrated in Budapest and one of these days the president of Ukraine – the president of the country which suffered from nazis and not in the last instance from the Hungarian nazis - placed flowers to a monument to "heroes" of 1956. Not being confused at all by the fact that these "heroes" marched through the Ukraine with lead and iron in the 40th and made themselves noticeable by tombs of soldiers of Kievsky and Transcarpathian regions in 1956.

In the Ukraine the "fighters" of the Ukrainian Rebel Army are going to rank now as "heroes" of the Great War. The only thing that can be done is to decorate Babi Yar with swastika - it will be absolutely in the European way.

And in the Europe - the next fascist putsch. As usually in Hungary. In the country - a member of NATO. In the country which has entered EU.

Heil Hitler, misters. Hitler also wished to unite the Europe.
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