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Who Needs A Drama Which Are Being Enacting between Russia and Georgia?

Who Needs A Drama Which Are Being Enacting between Russia and Georgia?
Michael Sitnikov 07.10.2006

Elections in municipal authorities in Georgia which took place on October, 5th looked like a national celebration. In fact, several weeks ago popularity of the president Michael Saakashvily according to interrogations hardly exceeded 10% while before the elections on Tuesday he was supported practically also by all former opposition. The unity of the nation is under the threat of "imperialistic annexation of territories", as they say.

It provokes memories about former Soviet times with propaganda cries like "No to imperialistic aggression!" and unanimity that "the enemy will not pass". Well, all that - ended badly...

After a victory on a local level "party of Saakashvily" for certain remains on a crest of a wave, to a considerable degree it is promoted not only by ill will of freedom-loving mountain people to any type of pretension to diminish their independence but also the antiGeorgian campaign continuing to gain momentum in Russia. Therefore, it is not a wonder at all that scoring by the president of Georgia such risky enough aims as to say goodbye to last Russian soldier in the territory of the country, to restore control over a part of Abkhazia with Tshinvalsky area and to enter NATO as soon as possible causes general delight. But the fact that it means serious confrontation of Georgia with the neighbour inclined to play not by the rules and there’s high probability of power decisions today pales into insignificance. But what about Russia.

Alas, it looks like Russia irrevocably loses not only political but also - historically - the only cultural supporter on Caucasus. The reason of that are not hysterical actions of the Kremlin and superemotional acts of the most rigid opponents of the Russian influence ready to use in the interests of business obvious disinformation as it was with the message on murder in Moscow of the Georgian sportsman Gvichiani.

So that mutual hostility reached such a degree, someone had to take pains. Someone had to pass a long and consecutive way to achieve strain of relations between enormous and still powerful in the military sphere Russia and tiny in comparison with it, but much more perspective by way of integration into the all-European culture of Georgia.

Such way started from little - from unintelligible but purposeful campaign on introduction of embargo on deliveries to Russia of Georgian wines and well-known water "Borjomi", from jealous imperial movements in reply to searches by the Georgian government of real guarantees of useful prospects beyond the seas. May be all that began even earlier when in the end of 1990th years in Moscow began to ignore too openly all the initiatives shown by the Georgian party on establishment and legislative fastening of partner relations between the states.

In fact it is impossible to forget that it was clear enough before a new millenium that the end to the events taking place in the Chechen Republic and on Caucasus would not come very soon. That "special action" is pulled not because of nothing but artificially and not "the Chechen separatists" but forces much more powerful and interested in war have such opportunity.

Therefore everything that was expected and occured further - especially after change of an internal political rate of Russia in the beginning of a new millenium - both looked and represents nowadays the phenomenon logical. On a background of high-speed growth of stabilization fund and aggravation of process of social stratification in Russia, Georgia increased efforts so that to separate itself politically as much as possible from dangerous neighbour. Because not only attentive historians and political scientists but also simply competent people know what can testify a growing gulf between quick enrichment of the state and real worsening of living conditions of the majority of population.

There are more and more such people not only in Russia but also everywhere - including Georgia to which, we shall hope, only conditionally can be added the Ukraine, Moldova and the countries of Baltic. All this could be supposed far not yesterday. Today, when "new internal policy" of Russia of XXI century inevitably entails not less new prospects for external policy, however, they are also predicted, inertance of logic of traditional "sovkovsky" state way of thinking during postSoviet period continues to dominate in everything.

Present authority in a situation with Georgia finds it natural to press on the Georgian living on the territory of Russia. Therefore, not being limited to noisy campaigns only on rout of a casino, restaurants and cafe which till today prettified by-time of those who could allow it honoured bodies carry out total "checks" of all other institutions and establishments which belong to the Georgians.

Vessels under the Georgian flag are arrested in seaports, all the Georgian staff, teachers and the Georgian pupils in addition leave in the urgent order from "Russian schools" submitting to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in Georgia. According to date from the Russian regions, for example, Bashkiria, similar "cleanings off" are organized there, local authorities justify them by "instructions from above".

As it is known, already after returning of four Russian military men, arrested before in Georgia on suspicion in illegal activity in territory of the sovereign state, the Russian authority undertakes total transport blockade of the country, ceases to give out visas, stops the post messaging. At the same time the deputies of the State Duma not inclined to hurry urgently accept the application under the name "About the AntiRussian and Antidemocratic Policy of the Georgian Authorities" where they stipulate possibilities of taking even more rigid actions in connection to Georgia. It is clear, that "the only pebble on the beach" on Georgia for the present Russian mode basically because from the beginning of 2000th years that state had no guarantees not to appear "a change" during the process of rapproachement of Russia with Iran and China and it was aware of it.

On the example of the Russian policy on Caucasus, Georgia in case of protectorate of the Kremlin would be not necessary even to dream of any sovereignty in the foreseeable future. The Russian-American relations steadily worsen for the same reason of distinct sympathy of Russia to totalitarian and aggressive in connection to civilization modes.

However, supporting Georgia step by step the USA hardly will dare to put pressure upon Russia preferring to keep some kind of neutrality. Criticism and ostracism from the part of all Western world to Russia, certainly, are inevitable. But the status of the basic supplier of power resources to the Europe allows Moscow today to use this circumstance to the full.

A different matter is that political realities in the world become less steady, stable and their flash-like change will surprise few people in our days. Nevertheless, there is in all these one component which vector noticeably has not been varying from the end of XX - the beginnings of XXI centuries. It is a process of reconsideration and reassessment of values owing to which civilization and separate societies break up on antipodes and panhuman moral starts to be present more evidently or, on the contrary, more and more to be ignored in policy.

Therefore it looks like a determinative for all participants of this Russian-Georgian - and not only - collision will be their today's choice, that means and true prospects. But peoples, as it is known, have already for a long time not chosen their destiny – that is done for them by those who they have deserved.
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