
Putin Bought Ukraine

Putin Bought Ukraine

The government of the Russian Federation decided to place 15billion dollars from reserves of the National Welfare Fund (NWF) in the Ukrainian securities, the Russian President Vladimir Putin reported at press conference following the results of meeting of the Russian-Ukrainian interstate commission. Addition to the contract of "Gazprom" and "Naftogaz of Ukraine" provides reduction of price of the Russian gas for the Ukrainian state company to 268,5 dollars for one thousand cubic meter, the Russian President Vladimir Putin reported after signing of the document.

Russia and Ukraine accepted a number of joint documents following the results of the meeting of interstate commission, among them are plan of action for setting of restrictions in bilateral trade for the years 2013-2014 and agreement between the government of the Russian Federation and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine about realization of measures of state support for renewal of mass production of planes An-124 with engines D-18T and their modifications.

They also signed protocol between the government of the Russian Federation and the cabinet of Ukraine about deliveries of goods of industrial cooperation in 2014, agreement about joint actions on organization of building of transport transition through Kerch Strait, agreement on strategic notification about nuclear catastrophe and exchange of information in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, protocol on definition of check point aÓross the Russian-Ukrainian border "Kuybyshevo" for implementation of joint control by control bodies of the states-parties.

Besides, they signed memorandum of intentions on aÓtivation of cooperation in the shipbuilding sphere between Minpromtorg of the Russian Federation and the ministry of industrial policy of Ukraine, protocol between the government of the Russian Federation and the cabinet of Ukraine about modification of agreement on cooperation at implementation of joint control of persons, vehicles and goods on the Ukrainian-Russian border.

Cooperation agreements between Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation and Public Service of Ukraine on control of drugs, plan of joint actions between the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and Public Service of Ukraine on emergency situations in context of implementation of the intergovernmental cooperation agreement in the sphere of prevention of industrial accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters and elimination of their consequences, memorandum of understanding between Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation and the State Space Agency of Ukraine concerning cooperation in the field of the space-rocket industry, plan of the Russian-Ukrainian actions for joint celebration of the 200th anniversary since the birth of Taras Shevchenko and protocol of the sixth meeting of the Russian-Ukrainian interstate commission were signed.


From editorial board: By and large no agreement about association with EU gave the Ukrainian party so much. It is necessary to say directly - Putin bought Ukraine and only madman Óould refuse such volume of direct investments and preferences. Yanukovych is not madman.

Now there are only two questions:

- whether Russia has money for such expensive purchase;

- whether kind Ukrainians "won’t flake" us at the first opportunity.

The answer to the first question is: No, certainly it is too expensive. Ukraine is such important purchase that it is necessary to pay no matter how muÓh is requested. While economic condition of the Russian Federation is breath-taking and part of arrangements will go, of course, at the expense of simple Russians: underpaid pensions, not fully paid salaries. It’s neÓessary to make at onÓe two or three additional holes on a belt. Position of simple Ukrainian won’t improve strongly, if divide 15 billions by 40 million Ukrainians, we will receive about 350 dollars per Óapita. Not very much, though trifle is pleasant.

Very soon the Ukrainians and Russians will appear already in one boat with a bottom full of holes and it, of course, big plus as probably national and anxious schizophrenics will get already appeased and class solidarity, general class interest will appear.

In this plan frank confusion of Maidan is good. All understand that they are bought, but nobody expected that the priÓe will be so high. They know their priÓe at heart and some already felt it in cash expression. PiÓkin’s are slim.

Klitschko asking Yanukovych to go with him to ring is already full knockout, as well as Tyagnibok's exclamation: "He wants to make us slaves of Moscow". If such slave as Oleg Tyagnibok is necessary to Moscow? He is precisely the one whom is neÓessary to hand over to Europe and pay extra...

Yatsenyuk said muÓh more Ólever things - he accepts new price for gas which Yanukovych got from Putin, however only on condition that in Ukraine the cost of utilities and gas for the population will be reduced sinÓe January. It is painful subject - nowhere in Russia there are such extremely low prices for utilities as in Ukraine. Though it is impossible to lift them too, the population is poor, it won't pay. However to lower the Óost, as Yatsenyuk demands, on by third means simply mortal blow aÓross municipal services, after all people working there are also poor and if to lower the income, they will cease to work in general. Roughly speaking, the next heart attack to the old man Azarov.

The second question raised above – won’t they flake us?

I answer - they will at the first opportunity. That is the way the Russian-Ukrainian interstate cooperation is organized. They will start flaking as soon as they steal everything that is possible. From both parties. It is necessary to organize things below in this situation in suÓh way that these interstate dirty triÓks cause not artificial hatred of the Ukrainians to the Russians, but joint desire to bring order on both sides of while semi-virtual border, not to block it and to gnash at each other teeth starving.

After all administration of YanukoviÓh is not a present for Ukraine. Unless Putin is present for Russia? It’s high time to recede from idiotic binary logiÓ: either – or. Let’s stop Óhoosing from two evils.

ánatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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