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Obama Rescued America from Himself

Obama Rescued America from Himself

The compromise between Republican and Democratic parties of the USA on the budget of the country is found, it was declared by leaders of republicans and democrats in Senate. Arrangement will allow to increase threshold of the national debt of the USA and to cancel suspension of activity of the government.

The compromise was reached during correction of financing of the program of health care which suited both parties. After voting confirming compromise version of the budget it should be signed by the U.S. President.

Temporary financing of the government will be restored for a period up to January, 15th, however by December, 13th legislators will be obliged to adopt full budget for 2014. Upper limit of the national debt will be raised to the level allowing not to return back to this question till February 7. At that they will create the committee which will be engaged in coordination of controversial questions in the budget for 2014. The committee will be headed by senator-democrat Patti Murray and republican-congressman Paul Ryan.

G. Read called agreement "historical", however legislators are still faced by a number of points of procedure. Now all attention will be locked on how soon Senate and the House of Representatives will get approval of the received agreement.

The republican and representative from the State of Texas Kevin Brady declared on Wednesday to TV channel Bloomberg that the speaker of the House of Representatives of Congress of the USA John Boehner would put agreement to vote in the shortest terms. The House of Representatives already appointed vote on issue of the budgetary plan for Wednesday.

The U.S. President Barack Obama approved reached in the American Senate agreement on increase of a level of the state debt and renewal of financing of federal institutions, Reuters transfers. It was declared by the press secretary of the White House Jay Carney. According to him, "Obama hopes that it will be possible to avoid default and "to open" the government".

- The American policy is always a show, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov. - It was clear that situation with threat of default will be delayed to the last, nevertheless consent would be reached at the last moment as disagreements weren't so basic. Look at the acting of actors! Lovely sight! The fact that it’s theater were shown by markets which hadn't found deep falling at the time of threat of default and hadn’t reacted with rapid growth in reply to threat removal, fluctuations within 1-1,5 percent of all indexes. Within usual speculative game. However, it seems to me that there is large director's mistake - such dramas really well put, leave deep scar in the soul, in case of theatrical performance it would be considered success. Nevertheless we have not theater here, but world economy and trace here means "uncertainty", unreliability". The dollar is unreliable, the world financial system completely depends on whims of several tens fat men and women in Senate and Congress. Failure in direction is risk for all world economy... I’ve just come from theater, it was fine modern play, magnificent acting of actors and only about 40 people in a hall, the hall is empty. The price of errors of former stage productions. Here the theater is planetary economy, one-two more such performances and the hall will become empty.

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