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Ruling Class in RF – What Is It?

Ruling Class in RF – What Is It?

Birth rate in 1988 made 16 per milles in RSFSR. I.e. 16 newborns on 1000 people of population of Russia a year. In other years it reached 24 per milles in the USSR. In 2007 in Perm it made a little more than 7 per milles. I.e. birth rate decreased in 2,5-3 times because of liberal reforms.

In 2005 they started spreading lies that birth rate got increased 10 times. These are official data extended at briefings of regional administrations. It couldn’t have been truth! Number of workers at factories continued to decrease. Facotyr named after Dzerzhinsky (cooling systems for submarines, oil separators for all fleet and so on) was closed in Perm at the height of Putin's second term, at first 11 thousand workers were dismissed from 14 thousand, then it was closed. Americans dismantled the engine producing line (for INSTANT-31М) at Perm Motors Building factory, the number of the workers fell from 42 thousand to 7 thousand, the 11th foundry shop was reduced already due to Medvedev. The number of the workers at "Motovilikha Plants" was reduced from 27 thousand engaged in main production to 3 thousand. At Chernomyrdin the plant produced S-300, "Smerch", guns, howitzers and many other things. No one recollected about it at Putin. When during Putin's second term Hindus elicited the order for 14 "Smerch", it appeared that there is no one who could do it and there is no material for its production, all specialists, skilled workers are dismissed, all equipment is sold out. When they managed to assemble the first launchers, they didn't suit the Tula rockets – a joke for the whole world. Companies selling cloths and cars occupied premises of the plants "Velta" (defense industry, 15 thousand workers) and "Morion" (automatic long-distance communication). During Putin's second term the Perm defensive telephone plant kicked the bucket, Scientific Research Centre of Semiconducting Mechanical Engineering started to die out (firm fuel for rockets), paint and vanish factory passed in the marble, three poultry farms was on the way out. In other cities – the same picture: during Putin's first term 53 thousand people were dismissed from KAMAZ, the whole city.

Industry dies out – medicine, education, agriculture die out as well. Food of the disgusting quality, decent products are exorbitantly expensive. Drugs are forged, doctors are illiterate.

People lived rather poor in the USSR, but the worker could buy 100 kg of meat for his salary. On the average. Today – 60 kg at most (the worker in hot shop of "Motovilikha Plants" receives 18 thousand roubles), moreover it would be such meat which is half-watered. There’s no different. Thus population of Russia is being destroyed Russia, Russia dies out.

There are naive people who believe television promotion that there was lawlessness at Yeltsin, while Putin started improvement of the situation. Putin continued Yeltsin's business. Militian, public prosecutor's and judicial lawlessness settled themselves, became norm. The number of schools is reduced and will continue to reduce, they liquidate kindergartens, hospitals. Medicine became a maid of pharmacology, doctors work for owners of drugstores. Homosexuals reign in culture. Homosexuals became a power branch.

Reform of secondary and higher education is continued, programs for study literature and Russian, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics are cut down. The moronic test system settled. A third of school students doesn't attend school. Other third attends it partially. Hospitals choke with children's syphilis.

Education for youth is announcements with phones on columns: “Summaries, term papers, diplomas, dissertations”. Old chiefs of shops groan from armada of cretins with diplomas came to the factories. Economy lifting – impudent deception, there is NOBODY to lift it.

Putin lies saying that they will produce 400 new ballistic missiles for 10 years. How could it happen if the only factory in the country, Votkinsky Plant, producing ballistic missiles lets out 2-4, at most 10 rockets a year (in the USSR – 100 pieces a year). “New" Topol-M rockets don't reach the level of out-of-date "Satana".

New houses in the country are built by migrants with terrifying violations of technologies, skyscrapers will inevitably fall. Shabby housing is burned down to make new construction possible, sometimes it’s together with residents, at the best people are settled in communal flats with deterioration of living conditions. All this with connivance of – and participation - the authorities and law enforcement agencies. All this is Putin's "merit".

There is nobody to "increase" birth rate - in 2005 (Putin's second term) the army of HIV infected in the Perm Territory grew weekly (according to administration) by 15-25 people (in practice much more), according to the City Prosecutor's Office 83% from them – addicts. Epidemiological threshold of HIV infected in Perm has been overcome long ago. Birth rate jumped up before Putin's second elections, it happened before the end of the year (i.e. it was impossible to count up), obviously women were so full with enthusiasm that went ahead of schedule. Russia then left demographic crisis. Imagine, employed idiots shouted on TV, for the first time birth rate exceeded mortality!

Infantile mortality till one year in 1988 in RSFSR – 18,9 per milles (it is a lot), in Ukraine – 14,2. It’s impossible to talk about reduction of these indicators at the ruin of health care, at reduction of capacities twice, at degradation of a bulk of the population. These indicators could only be sharply increased! Go to any maternity hospital and nurses will tell you what great number of newborns die at childbirth. Only at childbirth! Why should girls give birth – to produce poverty? To fill up the army of bums? Where will children go to work after higher educational institution? Become bandits?

As soon as we start talking about demographic crisis, they start talking about birth rate. While if to speak about mortality rate, at Brezhnev it equaled 7,8 per milles across the USSR, while in 2007 in Perm – 24,7. Official data – 15. In 2005 official data – also 15, also without change in comparison with Yeltsin's period. But proceeding from information received in Perm REGISTRY OFFICE, it is possible to count up: mortality was also about 25, no changes in comparison with 2000. Official figure of the REGISTRY OFFICE – 15, it’s official quantity of holes. While it’s necessary to add to the official figure 1500 coffins taken out from the city, mass graves for bums at the ends of cemeteries, unrecorded two cemeteries burned in crematorium and so forth and to divide not by official data on population in the city, but by the real: so, official number of inhabitants in Perm in 2007 – 970 thousand, in practice 930 thousand. If to extrapolate the donor city of Perm all over the country, it is about 1 million superfluous deaths a year across the Russian Federation, for all the time of reforms – about 30 million victims of liberal course, reform of Yeltsin, Medvedev and Putin.

The law on monetization of social benefits, the new law on pensions reduced number of pensioners from 40 % in the USSR and in Yeltsin’s Russia to 28,7 % in Putin’s.

As always before elections Russia ceases to die out! To start doing it at once after elections.

I do not speak about life expectancy. It’s being decreased the same way it used to do before. 54 years for men. Stalinism destroyed 4-5 million people in the USSR, Yeltsin-Medvedev-Putin's regime – 30 million only in one Russia. How should we call this mode? Present power is worse than fascist: those destroyed strangers, these – own people.

Boris Ikhlov, Union “The Worker”, site “tatishev.org”

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