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Pussy Riot’s Case – Vulgar “Covering Operation” of Medvedev’s Privatization?

Pussy Riot’s Case – Vulgar “Covering Operation” of Medvedev’s Privatization?
Delyagin Michael 15.08.2012

Case with “pusses” as they are called now made all society stand on the head. It got accurately to the painful center: Russian culture is in its essence orthodox. For this reason it integrally doesn't accept commerciality, pietism and hypocrisy of "priests", obscurantism of a set of “orthodox activists”, cynical insult of Orthodoxy. Especially by representatives of other cultures and orientations.

The Russian administrative culture shows ability to reproduce "cult of personality" even though it doesn’t have it. Therefore hysterics about "sacrilege" from its representatives – a sign not only of clericalization of the power in the style of XVI century. It’s also insult of sanctity – only not of Orthodoxy, but their “administrative religion”.

If unreasonable girls would have sung “Holy Mother, save Gundyaev” – possibly the case would be ended with reasonable administrative arrest. Or with public works in Christ the Savior Cathedral which belongs to the city hall and is used for “performance of religious cult” of notorious 7%.

Sniper hits in all these painful points split society as a thawed ice floe into those who live in XVI and in XXI centuries. The last are shaken that the state shows values and methods of semi-thousand-year prescription. It looks as cynical mockery over the law and morals.

As usually Putin appeared one of the victims of "power vertical". It seems that in relation to him this vertical involuntarily realizes known principle “I will kill you using what I generated”.

Accuracy of a blow forced “progressive analysts” to begin wailing about plots and pointing at liberals, “the Washington regional committee” and ubiquitous Israel.

It is true: participants of orgy in Darwin Museum don't look like holy fools feeling pains and sickness of people. So, it really could have been not inspiration, but conspiration.

Its developer ingeniously felt soul of Russia. Neither liberals, nor Americans, nor degrading Israel welcoming “Islamic winter”, “because it is democracy” are capable to feel it. Certainly, there are a lot of our experts there, but they are kept as "Blacks", even if they are highly paid. Operations are planned at higher level.

Therefore operation was, obviously, planned in Russia.

It used to be someone clever – as a person who on May, 6 broke up Putin’s inauguration by movement of cordon 300 meters away.

Someone who possibly doesn’t want to harm Russia, just to distract it. After all on the quiet of this case we almost forgot about killing economy WTO, about destroying budgetary sphere reform, about shortage of liquidity in banks and even about repressive laws.

The main thing is that we also forgot about privatization. The Russian Railways (all railway system of the country) already belong to it, as well as Sberbank, "RusHydro" (almost all hydroelectric power stations), Rosneft (the world's largest on the stock of oil), "Sovcomflot" (the main tanker carrier), Uralvagonzavod (the main producer of tanks), "Aeroflot" (the main air carrier).

This privatization, as soon as it is possible to judge, will be mass plunder of the state (that is national) property. Because it is planned to be carried out during global crisis: there’s no money in the world and consequently everything will be cheap.

Privatization unites global corporations and oligarchs of a new wave sometimes called "timchenko-rotenbergs". Unlike the governmental and political conspirators, they can gather and pay every experts for planning ingenious “covering operations”.

Who will recollect about actions of "Aeroflot" when the court accepts arguments of prosecutor's office assuring that aping of “pusses” could lead to attempt at muftis in Tatarstan? Against inquiries, whether the accused are "frenzied"?

Navalny, possibly, has entered the board of directors of "Aeroflot" “for privatization”. If it’s not so, new round of privatization will give him plenty of work in the field of investigations.

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