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From President to Prime Minister – From Priority National Projects to Mega INdicators

From President to Prime Minister – From Priority National Projects to Mega INdicators

From President to Prime Minister – From Priority National Projects to Mega INdicators

Our president Mitya going to become Prime Minister Mitya once again (I hope for the last time) gathered "open government" - concourse of pettiness and plagiarists which, if none holy forces interfere, will play a role of executive power in our country for the nearest years. Everything’s possible is being made to let us understand - Putin office is not the worst in the history of Russia, we can easily get even more pitiful...

To begin with "open government" insolently robbed intellectually Yury Mukhin with his idea "The law about responsibility of the power" - for which promotion Savelovsky court sentenced him to 2 years, however, conditionally - that was humane as Mukhin went to reanimation directly after court session and then to a table of the surgeon - Forum.msk published his unique report from "thenceforth”. I think he wouldn’t write anything, if he went from court to prison... Now Mitya’s "government" considers that society should receive tools for objective assessment of its work and suggest to enter a set of key indicators of efficiency of executive power in the country.

"Society should understand what tasks are put before certain ministers and to receive information on their execution... (It is necessary) to make purposes which are put by the prime minister to the heads of federal executive authorities public", - is told in offers of the working group.

Referring to foreign experience, experts expressed in favor of specification of the frames of responsibility for failures - that consequences were predictable both for society and for the performer. Deprivation of awards and bonuses as in the USA and Western Europe, restriction of career growth as in China, reduction of established posts as in South Korea, restriction of financing of the departments and branches as in Singapore could become punishment in their opinion.

The speaker, the executive vice-president of TNK-BP Mikhail Slobodin, suggested to formulate also limited set of mega indicators reflecting efficiency of work of the government as a whole. Here this sweetest person insolently robbed intellectually already me: as an example he called birth rate growth to a level of reproduction of the population (2,1 children per woman), increase in life expectancy till 75 years by 2020.

However, I wrote more particularly - if during presidential cadence life expectancy grows and morbidity rate falls – it’s the main criterion of success of the government. Here, however, I borrowed some things from duke Trubetskoy, but recently Putin also robbed the duke, having appropriated his thesis about "saving of people".

I wrote nothing about 25 million modernized workplaces with productivity three times higher than average for Russia by 2025 - this nonsense Mitya’s experts invented themselves. For whom are these 25 million workplaces at present demographic indicators? Where they are going to find 25 million "modernized" workers, if graduates of even higher educational institutions in the Russian Federation manage to know nothing, not to be able to do and to want anything in general? Idiots destroyed system of training of workers in factories, destroyed system of the Soviet technical vocational colleges and technical schools, liquidated technical colleges and lowered quality of education in technical institutions up to the lowest mark – what do they want now?

It necessary to note that no growth of labor productivity can justify depopulation of the whole country passing at a level of genocide. If a man needs increase in production if he is dead?

Well, the offer to consider decrease in distribution of smoking among adults from 40% to 27% by 2020 or increase of a share of disabled people of able-bodied age engaged in work from present 22,8% to 45% as criterion of efficiency of work of the government is already a sign of some progressing weak-mindedness. Close all tobacco factories and forbid import of cigarets - and consider it achievement which is hardly surpassed. Policy of the government in the field of health care, especially in the field of prevention in relation to disabled people will make problem of employment of disabled people the simplest - when the vast majority of the population is disabled people in this or that form, their employment ceases to be the problem in general.

It seems to me that our ministries and departments are operated by people disabled from childhood. Their employment in the governmental structures grows simply unprecedentedly...

However, idea related to responsibility of the power is very sensible. Our Mitya can quite start asking about responsibility from himself - priority national projects with which the former first Deputy Prime Minister once became the president have been moving somehow for already 7 years in our country. Among them Priority National Project "Health" – you can find below references to publications of Foruma.msk of 2007. It is easy to estimate if business is getting on - to estimate work of the president Medvedev on the most important from offered by him "mega indicators"...

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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