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How Much Does Trust Cost?

How Much Does Trust Cost?

Today it became definitively clear: Medvedev, Putin and "Edinaya Russia" misled people telling that we "are not threatened with rouble devaluation". It really does not threaten, it has already come. The country used to trust "its heroes" - "national leaders"! While the heroes, strictly speaking, "blag" from the screens of TVs and newspaper pages people of Russia. From last September till today they try to assure us that everything's good, everything goes according to some plan, everythin's under control.
Vice-premier Alexander Zhukov assured on September, 18th: "As against 1998 Russia got prepared very well. We are not threatened with rouble devaluation, it will be supported" (dollar cost 25,52 roubles).
Here you are how the prime minister of the Russian Federation, the leader of "Edinaya Russia" Vladimir Putin calmed the country down on October, 22nd: "I consider it inexpedient to convert savings of the population from roubles into foreign currency: the matter is doubtful because it is not known how much the dollar will cost".
Well, no matter how much, already then in comparison with September the dollar cost a rouble more, while today ...
President Medvedev also came to the top having declared on October, 29th: "I left all accounts in the banks. I didn't withdraw money, did not convert roubles into dollars... I am sure that nothing threaten to my savings as well as money of other Russian investors". The dollar cost already 27,3 roubles.
Such confidence can be caused only by the fact that these losses (if they will be) are simply a trifle for him. The president, probably, even does not know that the majority of the Russians don't have any savings, that all money saved somehow they store in a can in the kitchen. That are those people whom the guarantor advised not to pass to dollars but to trust domestic rouble.
Minister of Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina who predicted an average dollar exchange rate for 2009 30.8 - 31.8 roubles also took part in this verbiage. However already by the end of January the dollar cost more than 35 roubles! So, all who believed Putin and his company and left their poor savings postponed for "rainy day" in roubles, not in euro or dollars already today could count up how much the trust cost. Though if there is anything to be surprised? Eventually, Putin and his successor Medvedev follow Yeltsin's way. After all he chose successor Putin probably for himself.
Let's recollect as on July, 1st, 1998 Kirienko's government presented to the Duma a package of "anti-recessionary" laws offering by further liberal reforms to get new credits in the West. Yeltsin declared then: "We do not have any crisis!" and "anti-recessionary" laws were renamed into "stabilisation".
On August, 14th Yeltsin, answering alarmed questions of journalists on rouble devaluation firmly declared: "There will be no devaluation!"
It was on Friday, while on Monday on August, 17th devaluation (depreciation) of rouble four times became a reality. Depreciated candy wrappers stopped up multi-billion holes of debts under the salary of worker of Russia. Yeltsin was then trusted little but nevertheless nobody expected that his words so quickly would belie reality.
It's different today. Putin for many years in opinion of many is the most popular person of the country, mass-media and sociological interrogations repeat it. He, ostensibly, is being trusted by more than a half of the Russians. But how much does this trust cost? Recently the president opened a secret to us. It turns out: "Russia meaningly went the length of smooth ... devaluation".
Why "creeping" devaluation is better than one-stage? Only that they held people back from converting of savings into the currency. It turns out, Putin meaningly robbed the poorest citizens, thus writing off all the fault for crisis in the USA.
That deceit, certainly, didn't touch oligarchs, in the end of the last year they showed record figures of export of currency abroad. The last some months especially distinctly showed that authority made its best first of all for the sake of rescue of the most well-fixed people of Russia - representatives of bank-financial system.
Millions of workers, including those who are called middle class, was put into position "sink or swim". What could we buy for our salary even in summer and what we can buy today? What is the difference in the payment for the apartment today? What happens with supply with preferential medicines? Compare, think, count up - and you will see how much your trust to the president and prime minister costs.
It's ridiculous to speak about something more such as purchase of habitation. Add mass job cuts on the enterprises and in budgetary sphere to it. All this against incessant promises of the government that the state will not refuse any of its social obligations. We once again on own skin got convinced that the government couldn't be trusted. Authority works actually against people of work, against the majority of people. It is possible to trust only to oneself and own companions on work. Without active struggle for the rights we will become poorer and more deprived of civil rights.

From editorial board: We publish opinion of our reader though there is nothing new for us in the material. We wrote about it both in September, in November and later. That is the answer to a question of our readers, what is the difference between us (opposition) and the government - we do not say lies to you. We can be mistaken - who makes no mistakes? But we wrote in due time that rouble devaluation was inevitable and statements of the government about firm rouble - lie.
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