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Michael Delyagin: It's a Matter of "Winding up" Prices for Foodstuff

Michael Delyagin: It's a Matter of "Winding up" Prices for Foodstuff

Source: delyagin.ru

Authorities of Germany found a source of distribution dangerous of Esherichia coli (E.coli) which made panic in Europe and compelled the Russian authorities to forbid import of the European vegetables. Chief state health physician of Russia Gennady Onishchenko considers that it's too early to cancel interdiction. Thus he doesn't exclude that distribution of dangerous infection in EU - someone's purposeful action. While in Russia, according to the director of Institute of Globalization Problems Michael Delyagin, it is a matter of "winding up" prices for foodstuff by lobbyists.


- FAS of the Russian Federation intends to follow closely prices for vegetables in Russia and doesn't see plot signs in this sphere. Do you consider we shall manage without deficiency?

- Let's recollect last autumn when deficiency of buckwheat was artificially organized. Really, last year the crop of the grain was poor but it could be stored very well and all warehouses in Russia were full with it. Artificial deficiency was organized, Chinese buckwheat which is considered a weed in Russia appeared in the market. There was panic and the price for buckwheat grew more than thrice.

Moreover, the fact that it was artificially organized was declared not by some official from FAS but personally by president Medvedev. However all got away scot-free - as they write in the title of the Hollywood films, "no animal was hurt". I am very much afraid that "animals" drew conclusion from events of last year and this year they can repeat it but already with different products.

- It turns out that now they start to prepare population psychologically to possible appearance of deficiency in advance?

- Certainly. Here I see already strategic planning of lobbyists. It would be possible to tell that measure on import restriction of some product, for example, potato has sense if they would open ways to the Russian markets to the domestic potato. But nobody will do it. Why? Because it means to cause anger of omnipotent ethnic mafias, that is to gain the name fascist and to get imprisoned under article 282 (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 282: Incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as abasement of human dignity. Actions aimed at the incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as abasement of dignity of a person or a group of persons on the basis of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, as well as affiliation to any social group, if these acts have been committed in public or with the use of mass media). Nobody wants it.

Consequences can be very serious here. I will remind, February revolution of 1917 began when Petrograd remained without bread. Speaking modern language, separate second-rate officials from the Petersburg mayoralty decided to make their "small deal".

- That is they are stealing again?

- Now in Russia they steal, as if "final day" comes. Though, it is necessary to notice, for many such day will really come soon. In 2012 when elections will be won either by "one" or "other", allies of the lost "will be taken away" to hell. All understand it. Accordingly, supporters of both sides at a feeding trough don't care a bit of long-term consequences. They need "to cut the greens" as much as possible and to be in time to take money abroad.

On the other hand, all of them are absolutely convinced of their impunity as they will be immediately provided with support. When practically all officials are corrupt and it is considered norm, we receive the following: "I will steal a billion, the tenth part will go for "kickback" and all will be ok".

- Such trading wars are reflected on politics. Let's recollect at least the story with the Polish meat. Now, on the eve of the summit Russia-EU we spoiled relations with the European Union...

- As to the trading wars: the Russian potato hasn't been ever let enter European countries market and situation will remain the same. While in the country it will bought up two-three times. Sellers will be rude, they will shortweighted, rooked and if we will be dissatisfied with something, we will be accused under the article 282. From my point of view, at the moment the basic function of the state - to process population in personal riches of officials forming it. There are those who organize processing of people in fertilizers and those who are processed. There's no middle in our death camp. In Russia we have shortage not only of middle class but also - in comparison with other countries - of millionaires, as all have become billionaires.


Interviewed by Dmitry Panovkin

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