
íichael Delyagin: Cold Summer of 1953 Will Turn out to Be Not a Very Big Problem...

íichael Delyagin: Cold Summer of 1953 Will Turn out to Be Not a Very Big Problem...

"Financial crisis will inevitably cause, actually has already caused, reduction of production volumes, - chairman of editorial board of FORUM.msk Michael Delyagin told by phone from Saint-Petersburg where forum "Petersburg Dialogue" passes. - At the same time in Petersburg Civil Housing Forum takes place where expected figures of reduction in such important branch as construction are being already discussed. In the near future, to the beginning of winter, I believe we run a risk to have enormous problem which is not realized yet - the problem of superfluous manpower, at that these are people who couldn't be simply get along - these are millions of Guestarbeiter".

105 thousand Guestarbeiter will arrive to Petersburg and Leningrad region up to the end of this year. Migratory service is ready to allocate for this purpose additional quotas. All over the counrty annual migratory quota now already makes almost 2 million sanctions to work and now this quota increases, making on different data from 3,4 up to 3,7 million people.

- Rather significant part of labour migrants, - Michael Delyagin notes, - having got the legal sanction to work in Russia prefers not to work at a place of reception of invitation but to find job by itself. But the basic part works there where it should, usually they are deprived of passports and live in slavish enough conditions but nevertheless they live, diligently work and receive salary which allows them to make ends meet.

Now let's imagine that in result of collapse of the market millions of these people find themselves literally in the street - nobody stands ceremonies with them, they live in wagons, hostels of half-wreck type and here they simply will be thrown on the street. Imagine, businessman turns off business, withdraws money - he cares of these people in the least. So the beginning of winter - what do we have?

Hundreds thousand or millions people without means for existence who are absolutely not adapted to conditions of life in our social-cultural environment. Thus they will have no money to come back home, many of them, as a matter of fact, don't have any place to return back. With huge feeling of trambled justice - they worked, did their best and were simply thrown out, maybe, without being paid. Familiar on cinema "Cold Summer of 1953" will turn out to be a very simple problem - then people came back all the same into familiar environment and had opportunity to enter it somehow. These people will have simply desperate state of things - many even hardly speak Russian.

"I am afraid to imagine sizes of growth of criminal, - Michael Delyagin finishes. It, likely, will be an hour of triumph for people such as Belov-Potkin but even they should have their stand on end as it's impossible to solve such a problem by means available. Probably, already now it is necessary to think of places of a time nights lodging, about free-of-charge soup as in a film about Great Depression, about forms and methods of their deport to places of constant residing on means of the state in mass scale as they can't reach their uzbekistans-tajikistans, it's impossible to reach them on foot or by hitch-hiking. Or, if to ride a pony, all these people will plunder and kill to live and simply find dwelling place".


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