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"Gazprom": against Russia, due to Russia, on the Ruins of Russia

"Gazprom": against Russia, due to Russia, on the Ruins of Russia
А.Ermolaev 31.01.2007

"Gazprom" carries out a role of the front landing providing strategic break of the West on the territory of Russia. But, contrary to the objective interests of the population and even of the government, plans of "Gazprom" in connection to “lining of prices in the external and internal markets” (for increase of profit of a gas monopolist) are recognized priority by the government. Though the advancing rise in prices for gas (at the increased profit of "Gazprom" even without it) will not give an opportunity to lower inflation in the nearest three years to the parameters fixed in the affirmed earlier forecast of social-economic development for 2007 and parameters for the period till 2009.  

By the way, real inflation of consumer prices and tariffs (30-40% annually) coincides suspiciously with the rates of growth of energy tariffs (mediating, as it’s known, all other prices and tariffs). But though inflation will (be let off), it will not contribute to the increase of volumes of industrial production because of a rise of prices for gas: moreover, at the increase of internal prices up to a level of the world market not only power-intensive branches will be ruined but also all others (especially at the introduction in WTO) – in view of known climatic factor increasing expenses on the production in the Russian climate.

Pressure of energy tariffs will finish internal manufacture and domestic market – but due to the very heavy prices for the internal consumer it will liberate physical volumes of energy carriers for export to the Europe and to China which Gazprom lacks today. As a result population, industry and plans of the government will lose, only "Gazprom" and its shareholders closely related to a ruling grouping will win.

Political instability? Disintegration and occupation of the country? Yes, it just that doctor ordered: if there will be no Russian Federation – there will be no subject competent to renationalize illegally sold «natural monopolies» including EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY and Gazprom (which shares are in the process of international sale from the beginning of the last year).

Applications of vice-premier and Minister of Defence S.Ivanov is characterized by a submission of interests of the state to the interests of shareholders and managers of "Gazprom", that is at construction of North-European (Transbaltic) gas main powers of the Baltic fleet (deep-water devices, hydrographic vessels) will be used and at development of the Arctic shelf by "Gazprom" - military results on construction of sleet-proof platforms.

It is significant that having tens billions cubic metre of already reconnoitered shelf stocks (80-90% of perspective deposits) and necessary technologies, experiencing sharp deficiency of gas Gazprom has not begun their independent development - the West does not say. As negotiations on Shtockmanovsky deposit show, minimal requirement of the West to the beginning of development of gas bearing shelf is not a concession (PSA) or at least a blocking package which foreign "partners" will have on consortium plus international sale of shares of Gazprom itself already begun.  

By the way, who told you that Putin and his team will always be at the head of Gazprom? Other opportunities are precisely registered in the contract to the Power Charter. So, while Miller and Putin trumpet on about, active consultations on creation of a new «team of managers» take place in the West. As it has been repeatedly declared at the highest level, energy safety of the EU and NATO demands that all oil-and-gas vertical – from chinks up to final European consumers – should be owned by the INSIDERS entering “Committee of 300” and not local aboriginals even bought up and knowing perfectly well European languages.

That is why the policy of Gazprom and its management bought up by the West suspiciously coincides with Z.Bzhezinsky's known formula: "against Russia, due to Russia and on the ruins of Russia".

Bzhezinsky, if you remember, said it about NATO. "Gazprom" carries out now a role of a front landing providing strategic break of the West on the territory of Russia.

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