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Putin Won Pyrrhic Victory over Lukashenko

Putin Won Pyrrhic Victory over Lukashenko

So, Belaruscancelled the duty on transit of the Russian oil. Such decision was taken today by the government of republic in view of the arrangements reached today by presidents of two countries during long telephone conversation. It is possible to guess only, what tones and what lexicon were used during the dialogue as soon as, obviously, there was no need in translation from Russian abusive into Russian colloquial and vise versa to the high agreeing parties.

"In opposition of two, let us say not so democratic modes, Putin won, there are no doubts about it, - Michael Delyagin, the head of the Institute of Problems of Globalization considers. - But this is Pyrrhic victory. Russia won here simply due to its weight, being, strictly speaking, powerful enough to destroy all Belarus economy practically entirely dependent on Russian. But the victory was given to Russia at a very high price - first of all those are loss of reputation, as the majority of Russian citizens, though it seems to be a paradox, were on the side of Belarus”.

- Increase of prices for gas for the economy of Belarus which managed to keep and even noticeably increase the industrial potential while Russia lost almost half of industry is a catastrophe, - Michael Delyagin continues. - Actually Putin being obviously supported in it by the USA pushes the Belarus economy on that way which Russia with enormous losses has passed for the last 15 years. Specificity of a situation is so that Belarus will pass this way much more quickly and its consequences will be more destructive. Lukashenko tried to protect what he has been creating in Belarus during all these years having compensated the growth of the prices for gas by duty for the transit of oil, but he had to give up before the prospect of full-scale war with Russia.   

"Putin’s Russia showed that it can win, - Delyagin noticed, - but only not the external enemy. And only at the high price creating the enormous centers of destabilization on Caucasus, in Central Asia and now also on its western borders. The price of a question is - destabilization and general hatred of everyone whom was won in such a manner. Only one example - victory over the Chechen Republic caused an enormous internal pressure in all republics of Northern Caucasus, centrifugal tendencies which would obligatory revealed at the first weakening of the federal center. The victory over Belarus deprived Putin of the support of all Slavonic world and it would be possible to restore it, if possible at all, not in the near future”.

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