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Instead of “Sermons on Valdai”

Instead of “Sermons on Valdai”
Каlashnikov Маxim 30.10.2013

It is time to meet together and discuss: what should domestic industrialists do in the time of storm of social and economic crisis

We perfectly well know why we are read now "Valdai sermon". To distract us from seeing how our economy under "sensitive management" of the present power successfully sinks. To cover the fact that fact all "reforms" of the power since 1992 and up to now are determined to destroying of our national unity, viability of people, human potential.

What should be done? First of all to form solidary position on anti-recessionary measures of our group of non-oil industrialists. We realize perfectly well: the Kremlin will wave our requirements away and will continue to exhaust economy of the Russian Federation to the last. Let’s stay pragmatic: either the power will be replaced as a result of crisis or it would have to look feverishly for a team for correction of the situation. As soon as the course which IMF foreordained to us in the 1990s (to leave only raw materials production, production of food and "screwdriver" assembly for local consumption for the Russians) and remained invariable at Yeltsin and Putin now exhausted its opportunities. So: solidary demands for urgent anti-recessionary measures should be made now. Then we will be able to become rescue team on their basis. It won’t be possible to replace Chubajs by Guriyevs.

Economy of the Russian Federation in the current year shows serious problems which the power for certain won't overcome:

- growth of gross domestic product slowed down thrice (from 4,3% in 2012 to 1,4% in 2013);

- industrial production stopped (index – 0%, a year before - plus 3,2%);

- incomes of the federal budget are reduced;

- debts on salary grew by 25%, unemployment grows,

- profit of companies fell more than by 20%, profit in agriculture got reduced twice.

It is obvious that against steadily high prices for oil (it is higher than 100 dollars for barrel) and growth of economies of other countries of BRICS the roots of these problems are generally within the country, not beyond its limits.

High credit rates, plans on increase in taxes, monopoly prices for energy resources, lack of support of non-oil export lead to further deterioration of the situation.

Radical measures are necessary to find way out from this economic deadlock.


We invite all interested people to the meeting of preliminary section of the Moscow economic forum which will take place on October, 3, 2013 from 12:00 till 15:00 in the Congress hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Ilyinka Street, 6, metro station Ploschad Revolutsii).

Meeting subject: "Current Economic Situation: Miscalculations, Conclusions, Decisions". Participation is free, preliminary registration is obligatory.

The following questions are offered to discussion.

- Assessment of situation in Russia and in the world.

- Industrial production and agriculture – how to stop falling?

- Budget – who will pay for losses?

- Policy of Central Bank – why aren’t the rates decreasing?

- Exchange rate – how and when to weaken ruble?

- Extension of the Customs Union – how will it influence gross domestic product of the countries-participants?

- Freezing of tariffs – what will be expected effect?

Proposals on change of economic policy will be worked out by the results of the meeting.

It is possible to receive registration form on the ph.: +7 (495) 781-37-15 iliinfo@me-forum.ru


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