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Putin Pissed... Rescued All Polymers

Putin Pissed... Rescued All Polymers

On Tuesday the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin arrived to Tobolsk where he took part in a start of work of factory on production of polypropylene and held meeting on questions of development of petrochemical industry. At opening ceremony president Vladimir Putin promised to make application of modern polymeric materials in Russia obligatory.

Capacity of the Tobolsk polymer complex will make 500 000 t of polypropylene a year. Enterprise is located in close proximity to other operating production of "Sibur" — enterprise “Tobolsk-Neftekhim” which will deliver raw materials - more than 600 000 t of propane (it is made from products of processing of associated oil gas which "Sibur" buys up from oil industry workers) a year. On the costs of one let-out ton of polypropylene “Tobolsk Polymer” gets into 10% of the most effective world powers. The first pile into the basis of future complex was hammered in spring of 2010. Construction was carried out in standard for world practice terms.

Start-up of "Tobolsk-Polymer" will promote solution of important task of import substitution, "Sibur" writes. Now the Russian market of polypropylene is scarce. In 2012 its production in Russia exceeded 660 000 t, thus demand exceeded 880 000 t. Average consumption of polypropylene per capita in Russia makes 6 kg/person, while in Eastern Europe — about 14 kg/person, in Western Europe — 18 kg/person, in the USA — 17 kg/person. According to the forecast IHS Chemical, polypropylene consumption in Russia will grow in Russia on average by 4,2% a year till 2020, "Sibur" predicts. After putting into operation of a new complex Russia will turn from importer into exporter of basic brands of polypropylene, the company is sure.

- In two months I will be 54 years, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov reminded. – I learned about great properties of polypropylene from school course of organic chemistry, just imagine when was it. What "modern" polymeric materials you are talking about, Vladimir Vladimirovich? If you visited supermarket long ago? So, transparent bag is made of polyethylene, while white, opaque is made of polypropylene, as simple substance as a penny, polymer on a basis of propyl, CH2=CH-CH3

"Now question - who pissed away all polymers? - Anatoly Baranov continued. - How it could happen so that rising from knees Russia has deficiency of such simple substance as polypropylene and buys it abroad having simply unlimited sources of raw materials, consider, for example, the same associated gas from capital Kapotnya to Tobolsk which is simply burned? Russia is such rich country that annually billions unspent money remain in its budget. Every moron with scope of knowledge of a prep could become the head of the government, not speaking about Deputy Prime Ministers and ministers... Thus, company Sibur took care of polypropylene independently, without help of your state, Mr. Putin, thank you that you didn’t interfered with it very much. Even, probably, we should thank your protocol and press service that you, Mr. President, paid high attention to this "kickshaw"! What were you doing in general last 13-14 years? When you were president for 8 years, than prime minister for 4 years and having become the president again? After all it’s very difficult not to see that the country buys the simplest polymers abroad, burning thus associated gas in incredible quantities – there are plenty of torches burning all over the country... Though the answer is also as easy as shelling peas - the country leaders doesn't understand anything in general in the national economy! At that they feel themselves perfectly well."

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